What was the work of Jesus, the Son of God?
Disyembre 21, 2022After the Lord Jesus died, what happened to him?
Disyembre 21, 2022
We are like children who have run away from their father. We are separated from God by our sins. The Lord Jesus is able to bring us back to God by his perfect life and his willing death. Because he was born of Mary, Jesus was human, but because he was also born by the power of the Holy Spirit, he is the Son of God.
He was, therefore, both God’s representative to us and our representative before God. The Bible calls him the
“mediator” (this word means
“middleman”), between God and men. Being a man, our Lord was tempted like us; but unlike us he always triumphed over sin. He obeyed the will of God in everything, and especially in enduring crucifixion and death as a sacrifice for our sin.
When we truly believe in this work of Christ, and show this by baptism (see topic ‘Baptism’ for more), God forgives us our sins and accepts us as His children.