'Ang Biblia'

This website is dedicated to helping you to understand God’s message of hope and salvation revealed in His Word, the Bible.
We live in a world of inequity, oppression, political corruption, crime, violence and uncertainty. Can the world be changed for the better? Can the suffering of many be relieved? Can peace and wellbeing be achieved for all nations of the earth? Or will things stay the same as they are or perhaps get worse? The Bible has answers to these vital questions. In the Bible, God reveals He has a plan and purpose for this world. Not only that, He shows us how we can participate in it and have hope for a better future ourselves.
The Bible is a large book and unfortunately many people for various reasons give up on trying to understand its message. There are great blessings that come from knowing and understanding this wonderful and very unique book that God has given to us. It is our desire that the information presented on this website will help you to not only gain a knowledge of the basic teachings of the Bible but also enable you to gain further understanding from your own reading and consideration of the Word of God.

The Christadelphians in the Philippines are willing to help you to understand the Bible. You will find us at various locations scattered throughout the Philippines (see ‘Find us’ in the menu). If you have a question or would like further Bible instruction, please contact us.


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